Monday, December 28, 2015


Seasons Greetings,

Before the New Year rolls in we wanted to share something valuable with our close family and friends. Something that could add years to your life and many more holidays to enjoy. 

It’s about your health. In fact, it’s about your optimal health.

Most of us have some health issue that we’re dealing with. Do you have a health concern in one or more of these areas:

BRAI           IMMUNITY & CONGESTION         SLEEP           
HEART           ENERGY                                        WOMEN
BONE             CELLULAR                                    MEN              
JOINT             DIGESTION                                   KIDS
VISION           LIVER                                            MULTIVITAMINS

Well, if your answer is YES to any of these you may seriously want to

You will learn:

            > More about the health issue that really concerns you.
            > What you can do to address it.
            > Why phytonutrients are key to achieving your health goals
            > What are the best foods for your optimal health
 > How to identify which supplements can help you achieve it.

Did you know that God put all the healing and life sustaining nutrients that we need in plants? If not, why would He give them as food?

- Genesis 1:29
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”   

Today science is backing this up. 

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition makes the following statements:

 - “Vegetables and fruit are rich sources of a variety of nutrients including vitamins, trace           minerals and dietary fibre…”

 - “Epidemiological data support the association between high intake of vegetables and           fruits and low risk of chronic disease. 

and that…

 - "There are several biological plausible reasons why consumption of vegetables and fruit        might slow or prevent the onset of chronic diseases” 

Nutrilite has been leading the world in phytonutrient research for over 80 years and is now the world’s number one selling vitamin and dietary supplement brand.

The term “phyto” originates from the Greek word meaning plant

Nutrilite uses over 170 plant concentrates in their supplements.

The Nutrilite Health Institute, with over 100 scientists and 190 granted and pending patents, was successful in grouping the top phytonutrients into five color categories based on their primary pigments and identify their specific health benefits:

1. Red:       Heart Health

2. Purple:   Brain Health

3. Green:   Cellular Health

4. White:    Bone & Joint Health

5. Orange: Eye Health

In 2005 the US federal recommendations for fruits and vegetables for Americans was increased from 5-9 servings to 5-13 servings per day for adults. Today, based on the five color groupings an average 8 out of 10 Americans (76%) fall short of the recommended daily servings, creating a daily phytonutrient gap.

Your key to optimal health? Closing that gap!

You key to closing that gap? Nutrilite Supplements.

My wife and I created Health Fanatik, a blog designed to support and help you find the right phytonutrient supplements for your specific health concern. We have tried to make it as informative and easy to navigate as possible for you so that you will be able to easily find and choose the supplement support that works for you.


Marvin & Mae

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